Nieuwsuur & NOS cover the American Presidential Elections with LiveU

While super storm Sandy has caused an enormous amount of damage on the American east coast the presidential elections are still in full swing. Earlier this month Tom Kleijn from the Dutch news show Nieuwsuur made a road trip through several American cities. The background reports he made were accompanied with a live cross talk discussion between Tom and the studio in Hilversum. One of these conversations even took place from a driving car. For al of these live interviews during this road trip the portable video-over-cellular technology from LiveU was used which was provided by Heynen, LiveU’s Dutch partner.
Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal is the American correspondent for the main Dutch news network NOS. Since the beginning of October he regularly aired live on the eight o’clock news to inform the Dutch viewers about the developments of the presidential elections. For example, he covered the debates between Obama and Romney. Also here a LiveU LU70 backpack, provided by Heynen, was used.
Passed couple of days Eelco was in Atlantic City for more live reports but this time about storm Sandy. For the upcoming week he will return to Washington for more live contributions with LiveU as the presidential elections are coming to an end on November 6th.
After Tom’s first road trip contribution the LiveU solution was even discussed on national radio 1 in a show called Lunch! Until the editorial head of Nieuwsuur explained about LiveU their media panel assumed it was a trick with a pre-recorded video that was played back with questions from the studio presenter in-between.