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Get detailed insight in DICOM packets in your healthcare ICT network

Get detailed insight in DICOM packets in your healthcare ICT network

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is a protocol that we use for most types of medical imaging: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), mammography, and ultrasound.

Working in healthcare ICT environment, you can experience issues with the transfer of these large graphical files over the network. You then need detailed insight in the DICOM packets in your network.

The Allegro Packets Network Multimeter is a very powerful Network monitoring tool that is widely used in healthcare environments. 

By continuously expanding and fine-tuning this Multimeter in the area of hospital protocols, it has become a solution you can hardly ignore. For instance, the Multimeter is capable of filtering out the DICOM protocol from network traffic so that you can troubleshoot this specifically.

In addition it will present you with statical data within the packets such as connection / sequence number. This will greatly help you to verify DICOM connections and efficiently troubleshoot any issue that you might encounter. 

DICOM is just one of the many protocols that the Allegro Packets Multimeter can filter on. It also supports e.g. the HL7 protocol that is widely used in healthcare ICT environments. 

Read about what Gerben Lammertink, Sr. Netwerkbeheerder at ZGT thinks of this solution. (in Dutch)

Or contact us to help you regaining insights in your ICT network. 

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Our expert(s):

Joris Schreurs Joris Schreurs
Please contact Joris with any questions or business opportunities relating to Network Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Security. We love to be involved in developing new solutions and bringing these to the Belgian and Luxembourg market. Contact form
+32 (0) 494 42 34 18

Niek van der Borgh Niek van der Borgh
Please contact Niek with any questions or business opportunities relating to Network testing and analysing solutions. We love to be involved in developing new solutions and bringing these to the Dutch market. Contact form
+31 (0)6 23 06 08 61

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